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Monday, June 12, 2006

Advertising mag asks Ann Coulter to kill herself

RAW STORYPublished: Monday June 12, 2006

In a striking post, AdAge magazine, a leading magazine for the advertising community, has asked Godless author Ann Coulter to kill herself, RAW STORY has discovered.
Buried in the article, a humorous attack on the mainstream media, was the following quote.
"Would it kill you, 'Godless' author Ann Coulter, to do us all a favor and kill yourself? (Oh, well, yeah, I guess it would kill you.)

"After her recent rabidly hateful, foaming-at-the-mouth, sub-human 'Today' show appearance -- in which she reiterated her assertion that 9/11 widows are "enjoying their husband's deaths" -- even her former supporters began to fantasize about how much nicer the world would be if it were Coulterless."

The AdAge article is here.

Coulter faces plagiarism charge over latest book....


Blogger Rachel said...

Finally, someone speaks up.

Honestly, all Log Cabiners should live up to their ideology, and kill themselves.

BTW, where's Christy?

12/6/06 4:21 PM  

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