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Monday, June 12, 2006

Clark: * invaded Iraq to cover up the command negligence that led to 9/11

Clark Brings Texas Democratic Convention to It's Feet with Rousing Speech by linking 9/11 to Iraq.

Clark spends several minutes blasting Bush for "command negligence" which he says led to 9/11, then culminates with this:

"Now why am I going back over ancient history? Because it's not ancient, because WE WENT TO WAR IN IRAQ TO COVER UP THE COMMAND NEGLIGENCE THAT LED TO 9/11 (crowd rises to it's feet in standing ovation at this point), and it was a war we didn't have to fight.. That's the truth, and I hope, (crowd going wild at this point) I hope every Democrat around the country sees you all on your feet aknowleging the reality of the world we are living in today thanks to the misleadership of this Republican administration. I've been in war, I don't believe in it, and you don't do it unless there is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely no alternative."

It was about 18 minutes into the speech that Clark brought the crowd to it's feet by linking the 9/11 command negligence cover-up with Iraq.

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