Coulter hires Bush recount lawyer to defend against voter fraud allegations
RAW STORYPublished: Friday June 2, 2006
Conservative cover girl Ann Coulter has hired a White House connected lawyer who represented Bush/Cheney in the 2000 election recount battles to defend against possible felony charges for voting illegally in a February election, according to an item from a Florida newspaper.
"Conservative pundit and best-selling political writer Ann Coulter has hired a white-glove, White House-connected law firm to fight allegations she voted illegally in February's Town of Palm Beach election," Jose Lambiet writes for the Palm Beach Post (link).
"And the attorney from the Miami-based Kenny Nachwalter firm is no stranger to Palm Beach voting," Lambiet notes. "Marcos Jimenez — who was, along with the more famous Olson, one of the lead attorneys who fought for George W. Bush's side in the 2000 presidential election snafu here — was assigned to Coulter."
Jimenez served as U.S. attorney for Florida's Southern District, appointed by President Bush in April of 2002 to a four year term which ended last year (link).
Excerpts from the Palm Beach Post article:
A poll worker reported to his supervisors that he saw Coulter try to vote in the precinct closest to her Palm Beach home. But when she was told the address on her voter's registration was elsewhere, Coulter ran out instead of correcting it and ended up voting in a precinct that wasn't hers. Knowingly voting in the wrong precinct in Florida is a felony.
Elections Supervisor Arthur Anderson gave Coulter until April 30 to explain what happened, but she has yet to answer his registered letters. Now with Jimenez, Kelly said, officials will wait "a few more weeks" before starting a procedure that could strip Coulter of her right to vote here and refer the case to State Attorney Barry Krischer for possible prosecution.
Brad Blog has more on Coulter's legal troubles.
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