Gov. Bush signs bill allowing dogs to eat outside at restaurants

Now isn't that just lovely the doggies can eat outside the restaurants now, pity the 2500 military lost in Iraq can't wont be eating at restaurants any more. Ohhhhhh and dont forget the 100000 Iraqs that will never eat in a restaurant again, but hey doggies can. Friking Unbelievable.
Jun 2, 2006
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- At just 1 year old, Theo had already turned to a life of crime.
The barely-more-than-a-handful Yorkie would sneak into restaurants inside his owner's bag - usually undetected, but he and Marcy Richardson have been kicked out before.
"He loves to be outside with a bunch of people," said Richardson, a 26-year-old Orlando opera singer. "He's quiet and never makes a mess. Everyone loves him."
Now she and Theo can stop worrying and start chowing down.
Gov. Jeb Bush on Friday signed the so-called "doggie dining" bill, allowing local governments to let restaurants permit dogs to eat with their owners outside. Florida health regulations previously prevented all dogs except service animals from joining patrons al fresco - though several restaurants ignored the rules until Orlando-area regulators started cracking down last year.
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Aw gee, now isn't the world a better place?

Now isn't that just lovely the doggies can eat outside the restaurants now, pity the 2500 military lost in Iraq can't wont be eating at restaurants any more. Ohhhhhh and dont forget the 100000 Iraqs that will never eat in a restaurant again, but hey doggies can. Friking Unbelievable.
Jun 2, 2006
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- At just 1 year old, Theo had already turned to a life of crime.
The barely-more-than-a-handful Yorkie would sneak into restaurants inside his owner's bag - usually undetected, but he and Marcy Richardson have been kicked out before.
"He loves to be outside with a bunch of people," said Richardson, a 26-year-old Orlando opera singer. "He's quiet and never makes a mess. Everyone loves him."
Now she and Theo can stop worrying and start chowing down.
Gov. Jeb Bush on Friday signed the so-called "doggie dining" bill, allowing local governments to let restaurants permit dogs to eat with their owners outside. Florida health regulations previously prevented all dogs except service animals from joining patrons al fresco - though several restaurants ignored the rules until Orlando-area regulators started cracking down last year.
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Aw gee, now isn't the world a better place?
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