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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Planting Fields of Corn in the New World Revolution

Les Blough, Editor, Axis of Logic

Much has been written on last month's Rolling Stone Article, written by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the theft of the 2004 Presidential Election by the Bush Regime. We think Kennedy's 4 page article it is well worth reading because it reveals the level of corruption and fraud in all national elections in the United States. As most Axis of Logic's regular readers should now know, we do not hold any more truck with the Kennedys or the Democrats in the United States than we do with the Republicans. This should be evident in many Axis publications and from our boycott of the 2004 elections in the U.S. We believe the Republican Party and the Democrat Party are simply 2 sides of the same coin - 2 political parties invented by the ruling class who offer up 2 choices for the U.S. voter every 4 years, both in service to the Global Corporate Empire. We see the vicious political campaigns as nothing more than 2 groups within the oligarchy fighting - over the spoils of wars - wars sanctioned by both of them. A subservient electorate is needed to provide an appearance of validity. We refuse to participate...

continua / continued


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