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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ramadi attacked ...

Imad Khadduri, Free Iraq

...A full scale American attack on Ramadi has commenced and fierce fighting is taking place in most districts of Ramadi. American helicopters withdrew from the area after one of them was hit by Resistance fire but was not downed. American fighter planes are now taking part in the offensive...

Imad Khadduri, Free Iraq

June 10, 2006Islam Memo: (Tuesday June 6, 2006 at night) "The American occupation forces have besieged the city of Ramadi from all sides, including the Euphrates river and the Warrar irrigation canal.
The occupation forces have dispersed hundreds of American soldiers around Ramadi and have prevented any entry or exit from it. It has also cut off all electricity supplies to the city as well as drinking water facilities and has closed down all petrol stations.
The Islam Memo correspondent reported that the occupation forces have shelled medical supply stores, closed down all medical clinics and confiscated all medical supplies therein.
Jet fighters have been streaming over the city, as well as helicopters.
Three Islam Memo correspondents have dispersed throughout the city in order to continue to relay the news of the impeding offensive."
Islam Memo: (Wednesday June 7, 2006 at night) " Iraqi sources are anticipating that the attack of the American occupation forces against Ramadi may not materialize after several Sunni officials in the government had issued threats that they will resign from their positions in the government and from parliament if the American attack on Ramadi does take place."
Islam memo: (Friday June 9, 2006, 6 at night) "American forces, supported by tens of military vehicles and hundreds of soldiers, have joined in the fierce battles that has been raging between Resistance fighters and the occupation forces.
Islam memo correspondent reported an increase in the intensity of the fighting as American air force jets and helicopters have joined in the fighting.
The correspondent reported that four American military vehicles have been destroyed so far with a number of dead and injured American sildiers. He pointed out that American soldiers have forced their way into many homes and have positioned sniper positions on their roof tops.
The Stadium and Officers districts have witnessed very intense fighting between the Resistance fighters and the occupation forces during the past half an hour."
Islam memo: (Friday June 9, 2006, 7 at night) " The American occupation forces has called upon the Resistance fighters in Ramadi who are engaging them to drop their weapons and surrender.
Islam memo correspondent reported that giant loudspeakers announced the following: "To all armed men, your Amir has died, and there is no need anymore for you to fight. Therefore, drop your weapons and surrender to the American and Iraqi forces and we promise that we shall not harm you".
The correspondent reported that the response to these American calls was immediate as many mortar and RPG shells started to bombard the occupation forces concentrations in the Stadium district and the Governorate building."
Islam Memo: (Saturday June 10, 2006, 9 at morning) " A full scale American attack on Ramadi has commenced and fierce fighting is taking place in most districts of Ramadi. American helicopters withdrew from the area after one of them was hit by Resistance fire but was not downed. American fighter planes are now taking part in the offensive."

continua / continued


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