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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Right Wing War On NY Times Growing: National Review Editors Want Bush Admin To "Withdraw" Paper's Press Credentials...

I would wonder, when they are going to agressively investigate the corruption of the thugs in the White House, for their treason in the Valerie Plame case, A war Based on Lies, and so on, and so on.
National Review Online The Editors June 27, 2006 at 11:14 AM
READ MORE: New York Times, Investigations

Every passing week, it becomes more apparent that disgruntled leftists in the intelligence community and antiwar crusaders in the mainstream media, annealed in their disdain for the Bush administration, are undermining our ability to win the War on Terror. Their latest body blow to the war effort is the exposure, principally by the New York Times, of the Treasury Department's top-secret program to monitor terror funding.

President Bush, who said on Monday morning that the exposure "does great harm to the United States of America," must demand that the New York Times pay a price for its costly, arrogant defiance. The administration should withdraw the newspaper's White House press credentials because this privilege has been so egregiously abused, and an aggressive investigation should be undertaken to identify and prosecute, at a minimum, the government officials who have leaked national-defense information.



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