The "swift boating" of Army counterintelligence personnel who blew the whistle on Rumsfeld's/Carlyle's Iraqi WMDs and prisoner torture in Iraq.
June 23, 2006 -- The "swift boating" of Army counterintelligence personnel who blew the whistle on Rumsfeld's/Carlyle's Iraqi WMDs and prisoner torture in Iraq. In 2003, Frank Greg Ford, a 32-year veteran of military and counter-intelligence assignments, served in Samara with the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion of the California National Guard during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Samara is the ancient capital of Mesopotamia, Ford and Dave DeBatto. a former US Army Counterintelligence Special Agent who was assigned in 2003 to Iraq, took part in thousands of interrogations in Iraq. Ford revealed details of U.S. torture of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, a tactic that resulted in an aggravation of the Iraqi insurgency. DeBatto found evidence of an even greater crime, the provision of deadly nerve agents to Saddam Hussein by Ronald Reagan, his envoy Donald Rumsfeld, and George H. W. Bush.
DeBatto and Ford also stumbled across evidence that the only WMDs, nerve agents that had deteriorated over the years, had been supplied to Iraq by the Reagan and Bush I administrations for their war against Iran. Reagan's Special Envoy to Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld, worked out the deal to supply the WMDs to Iraq. It is these components, known to various UN weapons inspection teams and counter-intelligence teams like those of DeBatto and Ford, that are the subject of Sen. Rick Santorum's and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra's proclamation, ballyhooed by Sean Hannity, that the weapons of mass destruction have been discovered in Iraq. These weapons are made in America, supplied by Carlyle, and were known to Rumsfeld as well as senior members of the Bush I and II administrations, including Dick Cheney.
In December 2004, a right-wing organization based in McLean, Virginia, "," which is tied to other "swift boating" type organizations went on the attack against Ford and DeBatto. They claim that Ford, a former Navy corpsman, never served with the Navy SEALS and had manufactured his record. The site also castigated DeBatto for writing a fictional book on Army counter-intelligence. The swift boating of veterans by a group of mysteriously-funded cranks operating from a P.O. Box near CIA headquarters in Langley is part of a general policy by the right-wing to debase any veteran who questions the illegal war in Iraq and the other outrages of the neo-cons.
The following is an excerpt of the hit piece on Ford found on the VeriSeal site: Frank "Greg" Ford claims to have witnessed members of his National Guard battalion torturing Iraqi prisoners while his unit was stationed in Samarra in 2003, according to David DeBatto, a former National Guard Tactical HUMINT Team (THT) member and author of a story titled "Whitewashing Torture" published on a far left web site in early December.
"DeBatto says that Ford reported the alleged [torture] abuse to his commanding officer and, hours later, was strapped to a gurney and flown out of Iraq for psychiatric evaluation. According to Army sources contacted by VeriSEAL, an informal investigation pursuant to Rules for Courts-Martial was conducted in response to Ford's allegations and the allegations were determined to be unfounded. Ford was medevaced from Iraq only after exhibiting what was described as delusional behavior." VeriSeal followed up on its defamatory accusations by stating, "David DeBatto acknowledges that while in Iraq he personally did not witness any incidents similar to those reported by Ford. He maintains "every army psychiatrist diagnosed Sergeant Ford as completely normal with absolutely no psychological or mental health issues whatsoever." The site then claims that "DeBatto is currently writing a work of fiction based on Army counter-intelligence which is said due to be published in 2005."
The real work of fiction is VeriSeal, which links to such right-wing puffery sites as World Net Daily. WMR has obtained photos of Greg Ford on duty as a Navy Corpsman with his Navy SEAL unit.
The following excerpt from DeBatto's forthcoming book, Our Generals Don't Even Know Who We Are, proves that the WMDs in Iraq that Santorum, Hoesktra, and Hannity were crowing about were supplied in 1988 by The Carlyle Group, the Bush-Saudi contrivance that has been behind a number of carefully conspired incidents to promote their war profiting agenda. >>>cont
***Wayne Madsen Report***
DeBatto and Ford also stumbled across evidence that the only WMDs, nerve agents that had deteriorated over the years, had been supplied to Iraq by the Reagan and Bush I administrations for their war against Iran. Reagan's Special Envoy to Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld, worked out the deal to supply the WMDs to Iraq. It is these components, known to various UN weapons inspection teams and counter-intelligence teams like those of DeBatto and Ford, that are the subject of Sen. Rick Santorum's and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra's proclamation, ballyhooed by Sean Hannity, that the weapons of mass destruction have been discovered in Iraq. These weapons are made in America, supplied by Carlyle, and were known to Rumsfeld as well as senior members of the Bush I and II administrations, including Dick Cheney.
In December 2004, a right-wing organization based in McLean, Virginia, "," which is tied to other "swift boating" type organizations went on the attack against Ford and DeBatto. They claim that Ford, a former Navy corpsman, never served with the Navy SEALS and had manufactured his record. The site also castigated DeBatto for writing a fictional book on Army counter-intelligence. The swift boating of veterans by a group of mysteriously-funded cranks operating from a P.O. Box near CIA headquarters in Langley is part of a general policy by the right-wing to debase any veteran who questions the illegal war in Iraq and the other outrages of the neo-cons.
The following is an excerpt of the hit piece on Ford found on the VeriSeal site: Frank "Greg" Ford claims to have witnessed members of his National Guard battalion torturing Iraqi prisoners while his unit was stationed in Samarra in 2003, according to David DeBatto, a former National Guard Tactical HUMINT Team (THT) member and author of a story titled "Whitewashing Torture" published on a far left web site in early December.
"DeBatto says that Ford reported the alleged [torture] abuse to his commanding officer and, hours later, was strapped to a gurney and flown out of Iraq for psychiatric evaluation. According to Army sources contacted by VeriSEAL, an informal investigation pursuant to Rules for Courts-Martial was conducted in response to Ford's allegations and the allegations were determined to be unfounded. Ford was medevaced from Iraq only after exhibiting what was described as delusional behavior." VeriSeal followed up on its defamatory accusations by stating, "David DeBatto acknowledges that while in Iraq he personally did not witness any incidents similar to those reported by Ford. He maintains "every army psychiatrist diagnosed Sergeant Ford as completely normal with absolutely no psychological or mental health issues whatsoever." The site then claims that "DeBatto is currently writing a work of fiction based on Army counter-intelligence which is said due to be published in 2005."
The real work of fiction is VeriSeal, which links to such right-wing puffery sites as World Net Daily. WMR has obtained photos of Greg Ford on duty as a Navy Corpsman with his Navy SEAL unit.
The following excerpt from DeBatto's forthcoming book, Our Generals Don't Even Know Who We Are, proves that the WMDs in Iraq that Santorum, Hoesktra, and Hannity were crowing about were supplied in 1988 by The Carlyle Group, the Bush-Saudi contrivance that has been behind a number of carefully conspired incidents to promote their war profiting agenda. >>>cont
***Wayne Madsen Report***
W-o-o-o-o-p-s, looks like you been had, pinhead....
"Wayne Madsen should avoid engaging in the same Swift Boat tactics he accuses the crazy right of using against whistle blowers. VeriSEAL's one mission in life is blowing the whistle on wannbees and frauds--i.e., guys who claim to have been Navy SEALs. Fact is one's political orientation doesn't mean shit with the VeriSEAL crowd. The key is whether or not you correctly and accurately describe your experience (or lack thereof) with the SEAL community. Don't pretend to be something you ain't. Wayne needs to learn this lesson."
-Larry Johnson
Former CIA officer and State Department Deputy Director for Counter-terrorism
Member National Security Whistleblowers Coalition
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