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Friday, July 07, 2006

Conduct Unbecoming

Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman, surely must apply to the all members of this administration, who claim to be the Leaders of the free World today, they have no concept of the phrase an Officer and a Gentleman, come to think of it they never saw fit to serve their nation,

So sad, because the Military of the USA today, are so in need of Officers and Gentleman as role models, instead of the creature in the White House that claims to be your Cammander and Chief

Cindy Sheehan

"Today [Lt. Ehren Watada] was charged with missing movement, contempt toward officials and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," writes Cindy Sheehan. "Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman! Are they kidding me? Are they kidding the world and hiding behind an ancient code while they are pretending that anything about Iraq or our government is 'gentlemanly?'"

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Neo-Nazi Hate Groups Are Infiltrating the Military

Now that is a picture, I see when I think of the Administration in the White House today, can you imagine the Killing Machine they would have in Iraq to do their dirty work, without any conscience at all

A decade after the Pentagon declared a zero-tolerance policy for racist hate groups, recruiting shortfalls caused by the war in Iraq have allowed "large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists" to infiltrate the military, according to a watchdog organization.

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Neo-Nazis and Other Dangerous Extremists Infiltrating the Military
Oh, great.

Under pressure to meet wartime manpower goals, the U.S. military has relaxed standards designed to weed out racist extremists. Large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the armed forces.
Department of Defense investigators estimate thousands of soldiers in the Army alone are involved in extremist or gang activity. "We've got Aryan Nations graffiti in Baghdad," said one investigator. "That's a problem."

So says a new report out from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which says these guys--whose numbers could run into the thousands--are "using their military training to fight wars at home."
Just to give you some flavor...one neo-Nazi, quoted in the report, says, "Join only for the training, and to better defend yourself, our people, and our culture. We must have people to open doors from the inside when the time comes." Another observes, "We have pride in our race, heritage, and culture, and we will do anything to prevent it from being destroyed. White man is the creator, the creator of civilizations."

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Via the New York Times.


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