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Monday, July 17, 2006

Harris takes back $100,000 from campaign to renovate home

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Katherine Harris gave her campaign more than $3 million to run for Senate, but then took back $100,000 to finish renovating her "historic home in Washington, D.C." her campaign revealed Friday.

The campaign said that the Republican congresswoman would sell the house, if necessary, to fund her embattled Senate race to unseat Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson. The decision was immediately questioned.

"I have never heard of a candidate taking money out of a campaign coffer like it's an ATM. It absolutely boggles my mind," said former Harris campaign manager Jim Dornan. "This is a woman who has completely lost touch with reality. You don't take your campaign contributors' money, whether it's yours or not, and spend it to renovate you house. This is absolutely insane."

The campaign announced Harris repaid some of the money she already gave the campaign in a press release detailing fundraising for the three months ending June 30.

Nelson's campaign manager Chad Clanton was almost speechless when he heard about the report.



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