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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hideous WSJ Editorial Board Inadvertently Proves NYT Set Up for Bushevik Red Meat Attack


As we noted in our BuzzFlash editorial on Friday, "Darkness at Noon for Democracy," the Busheviks regularly launch Soviet Style demagogic attacks on scapegoats in order to seize more power.

In the last two weeks, the Stalinesque White House has been unrelenting in alternating between contrived propaganda aimed at instilling fear in the public and outrageous, unwarranted charges of treason for leaking (when the White House does it regularly, including outing a CIA operative specializing in tracking the sales of WMDs).

Little reported in regards to the totally calculated and Goebbels-like attack on the New York Times for publishing the bank transaction tracing story is that other papers printed similar stories, including the Wall Street Journal. But the White House is only having its brown shirt echo chamber focus on the New York Times.

Why? Well, despite the fact that the news section of the NYT has generally been an enabler of the Bush Administration (although that is starting to change a bit), the paper is a convenient scapegoat as the erroneous symbol of "the liberal media" to the Stepford right wing true believers of Bushevism.

The Wall Street Journal has always been schizophrenic. It has had a credible news section, with serious journalists doing top-notch reporting, while also having an editorial board that posts mostly fictional propaganda right out of the radical Republican message points of the day. As Eric Alterman pointed out in his book on the myth of the liberal media, the Wall Street Journal will write editorials that make factual claims that are completely contradicted by news stories on the front page of its paper. The Wall Street Journal editorial writers are hardline propagandists who indulge in creating factoids that meet the needs of their extreme ideology.

So it was not unexpected, but bizarre nonetheless, that the WSJ damned the NYT for printing essentially the same story that the Journal printed on the international tracing of banking transactions.

The WSJ inadvertently provides evidence that the NYT was set up by the White House. We quote from the WSJ editorial in question:

" Some argue that the Journal should have still declined to run the antiterror story. However, at no point did Treasury officials tell us not to publish the information. And while Journal editors knew the Times was about to publish the story, Treasury officials did not tell our editors they had urged the Times not to publish. What Journal editors did know is that they had senior government officials providing news they didn't mind seeing in print. If this was a 'leak,' it was entirely authorized...."

We repeat, according to the WSJ, "If this was a 'leak,' it was entirely authorized...." Why would it be "authorized" for the Wall Street Journal, but not for the New York Times?

Because as they did with Dan Rather (and others), this was a Rovian set-up to create an issue they could demagogue on, down to having Dennis Hastert pass a House resolution condemning leaks at a time when the Wall Street Journal, the printing press for the radical right, was running the so-called "leak," with the full approval of the Bush Executive Branch, according to the WSJ Bushevik Politburo editorial board.

What more proof do we need that America is being manipulated by tyrants who seek to suppress a free press and democracy through the tactics of brown shirts?

If you want the proof, just go to the Wall Street Journal editorial page. It's all there in black and white. They are such crazed extremists, they didn't even realize how much they revealed about the Bushevik tactics to seize total control of America.

But, it's too late now to delete.

The ink has dried.



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