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Friday, July 14, 2006

Hoda and Abeer

Hassan Nafaa*

..The Arab people have no doubt that there is an organic link between the events in Iraq and those in Palestine. They know that the screams of Hoda in Palestine and of Abeer in Iraq are variations on the cries of an Arab nation that is in the process of being violated and debased by the US and Israel in the name of the fight against terrorism. However, the very self-evidence of this begs a question. This question has not so much to do with what motivates the US and Israel -- the one driven by insatiable greed and power-hungriness to make a grab at Iraq's enormous reserves of oil at a time when the Arab world is at one of its weakest ebbs ever; the other intent on taking advantage of the same circumstances in order to end the Palestinian problem in a way that promotes and secures the Zionist land grab. One can grasp these motives, as distasteful as one finds them. But what one fails to grasp is the degree of indolence that seems to have infected Arab regimes in the face of these enterprises. Can they possibly believe that they can safeguard their interests if the American and Israeli projects succeed?...

continua / continued


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