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Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Buthaina al-Nasiri, Al-jazeera.net

The rape of a girl called Abeer in Mahmoudiya, a small town near Baghdad, is not a unique story of the occupation. It is what the occupation is all about: pillage and carnage. The occupation is an illegal and immoral act, why should we expect moral, legal actions from its military? I remember my grandmother telling me that when the British troops approached Baghdad in 1917, people did not let their daughters out; they were confined to their rooms and the doors nailed shut. Since US troops have occupied our country, they have raped countless Iraqi women. Some days ago in CBS's 48 Hours Mystery, the story was told of the murder of one R Davis, an American soldier, by four of his colleagues after his return to the US from Iraq on 12 July 2003.. One of the reasons given for that murder was that the victim had witnessed his colleagues rape an Iraqi girl and were afraid that he would speak out...

continua / continued


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