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Friday, July 14, 2006

Michael Schiavo Hits the Campaign Trail

Go after the lot of them Terry, everyone that invaded the privacy of you personal life, I hope you bring them all down big time the slime bags.
RAW STORYPublished: Friday July 14, 2006

Michael Schiavo, the husband of the late Terri Schiavo who became the center of a fractious national debate over medical ethics and the right to life last year, is assisting the political campaigns of Democratic candidates for Congress and Governor, RAW STORY has learned.

Schiavo, who made the decision to remove the feeding tube of his wife Terri who was in a persistent vegitative state for 15 years after experiencing major heart failure at the age of 26, went on to found TerriPAC, an organization which according to its website works to "raise and spend funds to educate voters on where their elected officials stood when they had a choice between individual freedom and personal privacy and overreaching government action."

The political action committee is supporting a number of candidates for office, including: Jim Davis for Florida Governor; Kathy Castor for Congress (FL-11); Phyllis Busansky (FL-9); and, Peggy Lamm (CO-7).

A recent visit to Colorado exemplified Schiavo's approach. In a press conference with candidate Angie Paccione, who is contesting Colorado's 4th District, he described delivering a letter to incumbent Republican Marilyn Musgrave that chastised her for rendering "a medical opinion on Terriā€™s condition, even though you had never met her, and despite your admitted ignorance of medical science and of the law."

Musgrave had said during the Schiavo debate, "When we talk about a permanent vegetative state, I am offended by that....How heartless are we to call somebody like Terri Schiavo a vegetable?"

Republicans on the receiving end of Schiavo's advocacy have reacted strongly. A report in the Rocky Mountain News quoted Colorado GOP Chairman as calling the work of Schiavo and TerriPAC "shameful" and "disgusting."

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