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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Bush's Disdainful Presidency

George W. Bush's crude behavior as President, including insults about people's personal looks, is usually dismissed by the U.S. news media as simply his "inner frat boy" coming out. But a U.S. News report that Bush intentionally farts while greeting new White House staffers suggests that Bush enjoys exerting his power over subordinates in ways reminiscent of how ancient royalty treated lowly subjects. August 26, 2006

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Blogger Malicia Cool said...

Hey, pal, I really like that "train of thought"!! This is Alicia, from Madrid, Spain. We here "love" bushy as much as you do there!! Greetings from the orher side of the ocean. XXX

26/8/06 4:57 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Hey Spain welcome to RebelleNation,
Gidday From Down Under.

27/8/06 12:39 AM  

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