Bush’s Cruel and Degrading Presidency
Mike Whitney
Washington is a moral swamp. When the chief executive can stand at the presidential podium and make an unabashed appeal for torture, then the American dream is dead. Bush hates America and only God knows why? He’s been buoyed-along his entire life on a raft of wealth and privilege; distancing himself from his endless failures, one after the other…flop, flop, flop. Still, President Codpiece wants more; another pound of flesh to inflate his battered, alcohol-saturated ego. He wants to snuff out anything that even vaguely resembles honor or decency or dignity so he can permeate the world with his own fiendish image beaming from TVs across the globe. Who could ever have imagined the President of the United States making the case for torture like some flannel-mouth medicine man at a tent show?...
continua / continued
Washington is a moral swamp. When the chief executive can stand at the presidential podium and make an unabashed appeal for torture, then the American dream is dead. Bush hates America and only God knows why? He’s been buoyed-along his entire life on a raft of wealth and privilege; distancing himself from his endless failures, one after the other…flop, flop, flop. Still, President Codpiece wants more; another pound of flesh to inflate his battered, alcohol-saturated ego. He wants to snuff out anything that even vaguely resembles honor or decency or dignity so he can permeate the world with his own fiendish image beaming from TVs across the globe. Who could ever have imagined the President of the United States making the case for torture like some flannel-mouth medicine man at a tent show?...
continua / continued
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