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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Gonzales Warns Courts Against Interfering With Bush's Detainee Bill, Anti-Terrorism Tactics...

Dont you just love it, they are bigger than the courts now.

Associated Press September 29, 2006 at 09:15 PM
READ MORE: George W. Bush, Supreme Court

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is defending President Bush's anti-terrorism tactics in multiple court battles, said Friday that federal judges should not substitute their personal views for the president's judgments in wartime.

He said the Constitution makes the president commander in chief and the Supreme Court has long recognized the president's pre-eminent role in foreign affairs. "The Constitution, by contrast, provides the courts with relatively few tools to superintend military and foreign policy decisions, especially during wartime," the attorney general told a conference on the judiciary at Georgetown University Law Center.



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