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Price of gas up 400%. Foodstuffs up almost as much. Life for Iraqis is not only difficult, it's becoming unaffordable. According to Washington and its client government in Baghdad, this inflation is due to other Iraqis. Ask them who to blame and they blame the resistance. Not the US Army or its Iraqi surrogates. Not the corruption at all levels of the occupation government. And, most importantly, not the mandatory price increases demanded by the IMF, who have stuck their slimy hands into the Iraqi quagmire along with that institution's standard austerity (for the people, not the government or its financial backers) measures and privatization of all state owned enterprises. All of this even before the Iraqi oil industry becomes privatized. In what oil executives hope to be the really big coup, a deputy prime minister of Iraq told investors that the Iraqi parliament was working on a bill that would legalize "potentially huge investments" from the private sector...
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Price of gas up 400%. Foodstuffs up almost as much. Life for Iraqis is not only difficult, it's becoming unaffordable. According to Washington and its client government in Baghdad, this inflation is due to other Iraqis. Ask them who to blame and they blame the resistance. Not the US Army or its Iraqi surrogates. Not the corruption at all levels of the occupation government. And, most importantly, not the mandatory price increases demanded by the IMF, who have stuck their slimy hands into the Iraqi quagmire along with that institution's standard austerity (for the people, not the government or its financial backers) measures and privatization of all state owned enterprises. All of this even before the Iraqi oil industry becomes privatized. In what oil executives hope to be the really big coup, a deputy prime minister of Iraq told investors that the Iraqi parliament was working on a bill that would legalize "potentially huge investments" from the private sector...
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