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Friday, October 20, 2006

Bush does not HEAR; does not SEE but does SPEAk

an iraqi tear

The prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet, published a study achieved by researchers from John Hopkins (American) and Al-Mustansiriya (Iraqi) universities, stated that more than 650,000 people have been killed in Iraq since March 20 2003, the date on which Bush began invading Iraq till now (...) Yet many Iraqis say that the figure might be bigger; they say that the sectarian violence flooded the country after explosion of the Samara golden dome last February . Bush made Iraq drowned by the bloods of the Iraqis; yet he is insisting to mislead the American and world public opinion and he is managing it!! How much Iraqis will be killed more to satisfy Bush revenge feeling? "I will do it for my daddy", Bush announced in January 2003 speaking about his war against Iraq; "this man (Saddam) tried to kill my daddy", he said.. How long takes the sectarian violence in Iraq? Again, the sectarian and ethnic disputed among the Iraqis were planned by Bush and Paul Bremer the third, his viceroy in Iraq, while establishing the Governing Council on the sectarian and ethnic bases...

continua / continued


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