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Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Empire's Foot Soldiers Ape Its Master

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com

It was Jesus Christ who told his disciples, "You will know them by their fruits," and the fruits of the Neo- Cons in Iraq and Afghanistan have been the deliberate creation of chaotic, fear-ridden deadly hellholes. It comes as no surprise therefore that since the empire's imperial foot soldiers were deployed in the name of "democracy," their behavior has aped the dark intentions of their superiors. The BBC reports today, "Photos apparently showing German troops posing with a skull in Afghanistan have caused outrage in Germany." "The tabloid newspaper Bild, which carried the photos, says they show German troops in Afghanistan in 2003." "On one of the pictures, a soldier is seen holding the skull next to his exposed penis, on another - soldiers pose with the skull on their jeep." This of course is only the first in a never-ending cycle of atrocities and abominations against humanity inflicted upon the people of Iraq and Afghanistan by the coalition of the killing...

continua / continued


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