Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis did not win, Mr. President

...And US President George Bush tells the world "We are winning and we will win". Just what is it you are winning at, Mr. President? If it is a democracy you feel you have implanted in Iraq, you are gravely mistaken. The rule of law in Iraq is determined by those with guns, those in the militias. There is no security, no stability, no matter how much you rub Iraqi Prime Minister Nur Al-Maliki’s tussled hair for a good luck charm. Since Maliki came to power in late May and promised to disarm the militias, the latter have grown in strength, ferocity and their unwavering tenacity in carrying out barbaric murder. Iraqi streets, once filled with strolling families, are now strewn with the charred, mutilated and tortured remains of Shiite, Sunni and Christian Iraqis...
continua / continued
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