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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Iraq's 'liberated' Palestinians : Arrested, Abused, Abandoned, Slaughtered.

Felicity Arbuthnot

Last week many of Baghdad's Palestinians received hand written notes, delivered by armed men, warning them to leave within seventy two hours or face death, decimation. The same scenario happened earlier this year. Iraq's Palestinians are another forgotten tragedy in the predictable carnage the US/UK's criminal, illegal invasion has wrought. There are those who fled Palestine after the British led formation of Israel in 1948, ousted from ancestral homes, fleeing just with keys, deeds and that they could carry or load, vowing to return. Other, their children and grandchildren, born in exile, the dream to return nurtured with their mothers' milk, as Palestinians across the globe. Of Baghdad's thirty four thousand Palestinians, just twenty thousand remain since the city's fall in 2003. Given the invasion fuelled sectarianism, with disparate factions and private militias entering the country with US/UK tanks and with Israeli soldiers wearing US uniforms and Israeli intelligence allegedly advising, setting policies and Israeli methods being used to demolish homes, empty villages, build walls and generally terrorise, speculation as to the source of the plight of the Palestinians is an uncertain science...

continua / continued


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