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Friday, October 27, 2006

Looks like Skilling went down with the ship, only Kenny Boy got away

Jeff Skilling and Enron's Glory Days, Captured in Email

As former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling heads off to the pokey, you can relive the good ol' days at the Death Star with the Enron Explorer, a searchable database of company emails sent by Skilling, Ken Lay, and their underlings. Read as they joke about shredding documents, plan meetings between Lay and Cheney, flirt with co-workers, and beg not to be fired as things go south. And see Skilling in R-rated action as he tells a fellow exec, "I can't wait to see you go down with the ship like all the other vermin." Good times.

Posted by Dave Gilson on 10/24/06 at 11:48 AM


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