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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Louisville Paper Gets Disc With 232 Photos of Nude National Guard Women

They probably needed the money to pay for body armor.
ohhhhhh I like that one.

U.S. Army officials are taking a close look at whether U.S. Army officials are taking a close look at whether women in a Kentucky National Guard unit posed nude for pictures with their M-16s and other military equipment, authorities said. and other military equipment, authorities said.

A local newspaper reported that it had a disc containing 232 of the photos, which they did not publish, and do not plan to publish, E&P has learned.

Andrew Wolfson, who disclosed the existence of the disc in the Louisville Courier-Journal today, told E&P it came from an "anonymous" source.

"This is not the kind of activity condoned by the command leadership of the Kentucky National Guard," Lt. Col. Phil Miller, a spokesman for the Kentucky Guard, told The Louisville Courier-Journal. The allegations were reported to the commander of the 410th Quartermaster unit about a week to 10 days before the company shipped out for Iraq on Aug. 26 from Camp Shelby, Miss.

The newspaper reported that it had been independently provided a compact disc containing 232 photographs of at least a half-dozen nude and seminude women in various poses with military rifles and covering their breasts with American flag decals. An accompanying e-mail said the women photographed were from the Kentucky Guard.



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