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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Reuters: US must stay until Iraq forces ready-Iraqi leader

31 Oct 2006 08:15:49 GMT
Source: Reuters

PARIS, Oct 31 (Reuters) - U.S.-led forces should only withdraw from Iraq
when local security forces are able to maintain order on their own, Iraqi
President Jalal Talabani said in a newspaper interview published on Tuesday.

Talabani, who embarks on an official visit to France later this week, told
the daily Le Figaro a civil war could still be avoided despite the heavy
daily death toll in Iraq from bomb and other attacks, and said that al Qaeda's
influence was declining.

"The international coalition will only withdraw when Iraqi security forces are
ready to take over on their own the challenge of maintaining law and order,"
he told Le Figaro, adding international splits should not rebound on Iraq.

Discussions should focus "not on the drawing up of a timetable for withdrawing
American troops but on the goals that should be set for Iraqi forces so that
they may continue to take over security in the regions," he said.



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