Talking Points from God
READ MORE: Iraq, Jack Abramoff, Valerie Plame, Karl Rove, George W. Bush
As a major market talk show host for the last 10 years I realize what it is I do and what my function is in the grand scheme of things. I'm an entertainer first and foremost. Yes, I talk about issues that hopefully are informative, relevant and entertaining. But let's be real, if I could solve world peace I'd be in the White House and not
the studio. Now, I certainly have an opinion on world events, and share that opinion. But it is just that, an opinion. I encourage people to do their own research, to take what I say, research it, find out if they agree, and then act accordingly. I never expect anyone to do something simply because I tell them to do it on my show. I may want them to, but I don't expect them to.
That's where liberal talk radio varies from conservative talk. People like Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage and a host of others feel they are on the side of truth and right and that you must not only agree with them and their ilk, but to disagree makes you an idiot, unpatriotic, un-American. They give the impression that they are fair and balanced, that they have researched all the data, talked to all the pertinent people and that theirs is the only logical conclusion that could be gleaned from the data presented. The idea that they are nothing more than spokes-holes for the administration is appalling to them: on the contrary, they are on the side of the people. While liberal talk radio often debates those on the right, from callers to guest, conservative talk attacks the listener with a deluge of opinion and bombast, exaggerated facts or blatant untruths.
I always laugh about the Fair and Balanced moniker at Fox, and at most of the blowhard conservatives proclaiming their opinion to be the truth. I never realized the danger of their kind until recently. On a Friday afternoon, in my house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, my president took almost two hours at a time of war and North Korea blowing stuff up to meet with the higher echelon of conservative talk radio. There he sat, George W., with the likes of Hannity, Medved, Ingram...everyone except Rush. Why? Well, because they were getting out of control. They were beginning to question the administration on air, as even a blind deaf mute would begin to do at this point, and that meant dissent in the ranks. Can't have that, so get them in here.
No liberals were invited. No, just arch conservative talkers were in the room for an hour and a half. Our President won't talk to Kim Jong Il but he'll chat for almost two hours with entertainers.
Of course, it's obvious they were given their bullet points, their marching orders, their game plan to win the mid-term for the Republicans. I wouldn't doubt it if the President told them which races to concentrate on and which way to cover them. And it insults me. It insults me because these people would never disclose this, on the contrary. This was not a huge media event, as it should have been. No, mustn't have the base know that their gurus, their talkers, were actually just pawns in a bigger game being played out by want to be dictators.
This administration wants to control the media. They are already trying to do so in Iraq and in other nations, and now, they want to control it here. They use the FCC to enforce mandates it was never given in its original charter, to put pressure on stations to not hire any lose cannons, to stay conservative Show a breast, pay millions because we mustn't have that, but go the White House, get talking points from the Commander in Chief and then go home and preach this spin as fact and that's totally allowed. Well I, for one, find it obscene far beyond any four letter word or body part.
Meanwhile, liberal talkers aren't making enough noise. They're letting headlines like the recent Air America bankruptcy dominate, spend time on the defensive instead of the offensive. The gloves should come off on talk radio. Liberal talkers should be reminding people that they have been right all along. I take great pride in playing clips from the last four years, clips where I repeatedly said there were no WMDs, that we should not send Americans to die there and that if we go it will turn in to another Viet Nam where we are caught in the middle of a civil war, even worse, a religious civil war. I delight when I read my columns from back then where I reminded people that we can't afford this, that while we turned our heads to the Middle East the neocons were taking over every branch of government and that would lead to deep division and social unrest. Well, here we are and guess what, "Told You So!"
The President didn't need to invite Liberal Talkers to the White House because our talking points have been obvious for the last six years, from the Coup of 2000 to the unjust war that followed. And Democrats and liberals, on radio or not, need to start pointing that out at the top of our collective lungs. WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG, WE TOLD YOU SO.
All I need to do to prepare for show is open a newspaper; the same thing anyone needs to do to prepare to vote. The proof is in front of America's faces every day, now that the corporate media has begun reporting at least one-tenth of the reality of the last years. The Republicans are corrupt, and Sean Hannity saying otherwise won't change it. Laura Ingram trying to throw stones at a Democrat won't change the fact that Foley was a perv, Hastert and his friends covered it up, and that numerous ethics violations have been perpetrated by their colleagues on many fronts from lying about associations with Abramoff to dirty campaign money.
The President hopes that winning over these conservative talkers--and it worked from the shows these people did after their visits--will set his party back on track, boost his ratings and win his party both houses. It just proves how out of touch he is, and how much of political whores these hosts are.
I have a duty when I go on air to give an honest opinion, one that I have gathered from research of all kinds, talking to various parties concerned and using my own intellect to render a decision. These hosts have betrayed their audiences and their craft by pandering to an unethical, power-crazed regime just so they can sit in the Oval or keep their big fat paychecks coming. They are liars and hypocrites, willing to sell their show and their opinions and hurt the country while doing it.
No, liberals, it's time to speak. It's time to remind everyone that we have been consistently right about these people and their tactics. When we said they smeared Valerie Plame to get back at Joe Wilson, we were right. When we said that Karl Rove and George Bush were dirty, we were right. When we said there were no WMDs and that we should rely on more inspectors, we were right. When we said this man would divide the nation and bankrupt us morally and politically, we were right. When we said that hosts that come on air and talk about how we're winning the war in Iraq and that George W. Bush is an exemplary President, when we said those hosts were in the pockets of the administration, a lunch meeting this last week proved we were right.
The right is wrong. They are wrong if they believe they can control the media by meeting with these theocratic talking mouths. Because America is waking up, waking up to the fact that we were right, are right now, and are the only ones that are right about the future. We don't need our President to sell us what's best for America, we've known it all along, him not being president.
And guess what, we were right.
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