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Friday, October 06, 2006

Torture: An American Institution

Mickey Z.

A casual glance at the news these days might give one the impression that the Bush Administration invented torture last month. However, in the corporate media equivalent of a scoop, the Washington Post "broke" the story of U.S. torture of Arab and Afghan "detainees" nearly four years ago. A December 26, 2002 article, perfectly timed to get lost in the holiday shuffle, began like a bad spy novel: "Deep inside the forbidden zone at the U.S.-occupied Bagram air base in Afghanistan, around the corner from the detention center and beyond the segregated clandestine military units, sits a cluster of metal shipping containers protected by a triple layer of concertina wire. The containers hold the most valuable prizes in the war on terrorism-captured al Qaeda operatives and Taliban commanders."...

continua / continued


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