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Sunday, October 29, 2006

U.S. Plans To Train Palestinian Military Unit

Democratically Elected Governments, Who Cares.
The Palestinian and US governments do not want you to see this…
Deep in the Jordan Valley, out of sight from any main road, about 15 minutes from Jericho is an eighteen-acre military base.

I snuck in and got a few pictures and talked to a few people. Here is what I found out.

The base will be a training ground to develop a US-style Palestinian military unit. It is being paid for by the US Government, lead by U.S. Gen. Keith Dayton and a group of US military trainers.

This U.S.-led plan is intended to build a unit charged with protecting US-friendly Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. They are hoping to have eleven thousand soldiers in the unit.

Once this controversial U.S.-led plan becomes widely known it will undoubtedly cause more tension among the different Palestinian factions.

Some Hamas officials believe these new soldiers will be used for more than just protecting Abbas … perhaps fighting Hamas on behalf of the United States?

Regardless, some Palestinians will see this unit as being made up of "collaborators," so closely tied to the United States.



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