Bush’s Carnival of Blood
Isn't that the truth

...The administration clings to the foolish notion that killing Saddam will somehow justify their unprovoked invasion and slaughter of 650,000 Iraqis. It won’t. I expect that many people feel the same sense of disgust and emptiness that I do. The joy of executing Saddam is limited to a small cadre of men who revel in the suffering and subjugation of others. They are human in name only. Nothing Saddam did in his life will make him seem larger in the eyes of his people than his death (...) Saddam’s death will have the same effect as the appalling photos of the hooded prisoner at Abu Ghraib which offended the sensibilities of decent people everywhere. It will just generate more hatred and violence. This isn’t justice. It's another example of a nation’s dark shame..
continua / continued
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