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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bush's tone probably irritated Webb more than his question.

Isn't that the Truth

November 30, 2006 -- A number of Washington observers who are familiar with the psychotic nature of George W. Bush reckon that what triggered Sen.-elect Jim Webb's anger at Bush's question about Webb's son's service in Iraq was the tone of Bush's question and not the question itself. Webb' son, Jimmy Webb, is a 24-year old Marine Lance Corporal serving in Iraq.

The interchange between Bush and Webb was at a White House reception for newly elected members of Congress:

Bush to Webb: "How's your boy?"

Webb to Bush: "I'd like to get them out of Iraq."

Bush to Webb: "That's not what I asked. How's your boy?"

Webb to Bush: "that is between my boy and me."

Webb, according to Washington sources, may have taken Bush's question about his son's welfare as some sort of veiled threat to Webb's son if Webb had any thoughts of becoming an anti-Bush firebrand in the Senate over the Iraq war. Based on what happened to NFL star Pat Tillman in Afghanistan, Col. Ted Westhusing in Iraq, and others in uniform who questioned Bush's war, including death or injury from pre-planned "friendly fire," Bush's question may have been more of a reminder to Webb rather than a heartfelt question.
Bush's tone probably irritated Webb more than his question.


Wellstone and Webb both received the Bush White House reception line "treatment."

November 29, 2006 -- Like father, like son. The Presidents Bush do not seem to appreciate White House receptions for newly-elected incoming Democrats who trounced Republicans for whom the incumbent Bushes campaigned.

The Hill newspaper is reporting that at a post-election White House reception welcoming newly-elected members of Congress, there was a nasty exchange between George W. Bush and Virginia Senator-elect Jim Webb, who has a son serving with the Marines in Iraq.

In the reception line, Bush asked Webb how his son was doing in Iraq, Webb responded by saying he wanted to see his son come back home. Bush responded, "I didn’t ask you that, I asked how he’s doing." Webb said he was so angered by Bush's response he wanted to slug him.

Bush campaigned for Webb's defeated incumbent opponent, the neo-Confederate poltroon, George Allen.

In 1991, when the late Minnesota Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone met George H. W. Bush in a similar White House pro forma reception line for newly-elected legislators, Wellstone used the occasion to urge Bush on three different occasions to spend more time on issues like education and cautioning him against the Persian Gulf War. Of course, Bush was more concerned about fighting the war against Iraq (sound familiar?) and could care less about Wellstone's issues.

Wellstone and Webb both received the Bush White House reception line "treatment."

After Wellstone challenged the president at the White House reception, Poppy Bush was overheard saying, "Who is this chicken shit?"

Wellstone had defeated incumbent Republican Senator Rudy Boschwitz, a supporter of Bush 41's foreign and domestic policies. Boschwitz, like Allen, engaged in a dirty campaign against Wellstone. Boschwitz's campaign claimed that because Wellstone, who was Jewish, and his Southern Baptist wife Sheila raised their children as Christians, Wellstone was somehow "anti-Semitic." Boschwitz's religion card failed as miserably as Allen's racial one.

Boschwitz co-chaired George W. Bush's Minnesota campaign and was a top "Pioneer" fundraiser (to the tune of $388,000) for George W. Bush in 2000.



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