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Monday, November 06, 2006

Chalabi, an asset of Iran

Born at the Crest of the Empire

There have long been indications that Ahmed Chalabi had ties to Iranian intelligence. If true, it would make the Iraq war one of the greatest intel ops in modern history, one carried out by the Iranians against this administration. (...) Pat Lang, the D.I.A. agent, holds a similar view: that in Chalabi, the Iranians probably saw someone who could help them achieve their long-sought goal of removing Saddam Hussein. After a time, in Lang’s view, the Iranians may have figured the Americans would leave and that Chalabi would most likely be in charge. Lang insists he is only speculating, but he says it has been clear to the American intelligence community for years that Chalabi has maintained "deep contacts" with Iranian officials....

continua / continued


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