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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Not in our name A statement by writers, journalists and intellectuals from mid and south Iraq against the division of Iraq

BRussells Tribunal

We the undersigned, a number of Iraq’s writers, journalists and intellectuals from mid and south Iraq, we direct our statements to our people, all our fellow citizens all over Iraq. To Iraqis of all ethnic and religious identities. We feel compelled to speak up as Iraqi citizens, in defence of our homeland, it is our sacred duty to do so. We believe that the federalism law, introduced quickly and without a proper nation wide debate, is but an old scheme to destroy Iraq by dividing it. Iraq will be divided into small bickering entities to weaken it and erode the authority of its central government. This way, Iraq, with the richness of its human and natural resources will be prevented from developing into a strong nation, capable of being a significant player in the region. To prevent Iraq from becoming a regional heavy weight against the imperialist designs in the Middle East. And against the Zionist entity in Palestine, whose creation aims at preventing Arab countries from achieving their aspirations in prosperity and economical independence...

continua / continued


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