Numerous Voting Machine Problems Reported…Voters Delayed In Indiana, Ohio, Florida…KY Poll Worker Charged For Allegedly “Choking” Voter…GOP Congressman Chabot Turned Away At The Polls… Conservative Columnist Novak: Dems May Beat “An Arrogant And Politically Tin-Eared Republican Establishment”…POLL CLOSING TIMES ACROSS US…
NY Times JOHN M. BRODER, JIM RUTENBERG November 7, 2006 10:23 AM
Exhausted candidates across the country delivered their final appeals on Monday, closing a campaign that will determine the balance of power in Washington for the next two years and render a judgment about President Bush and the war in Iraq.
Exhausted candidates across the country delivered their final appeals on Monday, closing a campaign that will determine the balance of power in Washington for the next two years and render a judgment about President Bush and the war in Iraq.
Candidates, party committees and interest groups flooded voters with a flurry of late advertising and heavy spending on turn-out-the-vote operations on the last day of the most expensive, and one of the nastiest, midterm elections in American history.
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