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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Payback Time For Lott...Frist And Rove Watch Out...

The New York Times CARL HULSE and DAVID STOUT November 15, 2006 10:50 PM

...So Mr. Lott stepped aside, blaming his setback on some Republicans as well as Democrats. In the years that followed, he made little secret of his bitterness, at one point suggesting that the White House consider "bringing in some new people," an unsubtle jab at Karl Rove, the president's political strategist who had helped engineer Mr. Lott's ouster.

Today, Mr. Lott declined the opportunity to gloat. Asked if he felt vindicated, he said: "I'm going to shock you by starting off with the right frame of mind. I defer on this occasion to our leader, and we'll work together with him and talking about substance more later. The spotlight belongs on him."



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