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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanks To The Car Bomb

an iraqi tear

I know thanking a car bomb could astonish you; yet today I really need to thank that driver who managed to sneak a car bomb into the Green Zone.. Until yesterday, those who are living in that fortified place were insisting to not feel what a car bomb means! They were in a place while the whole Iraqis were and still in another place.. Now and after that car bomb finished the myth of the safe heaven, the Green Zone, I advice those who came on the board of the American tanks to destroy Iraq should live us. They should feel satisfy. They planted the sectarian and ethnic clashes among the Iraqis. They killed enough academics, journalists, teachers and 655 000 Iraqis. They stole billions of dollars. They destroyed the Iraqi memory through stealing the libraries and the giant Iraqi National museum. They worked for Bush in a way that Bush him self had never imagined. LEAVE US ALONE. WE COULD MANAGE OUR LIFE TOWARD RESTORING SECURITY AND IRAQ...

continua / continued


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