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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Unleashing the Christ Within: Last Hope for the Moribund Soul of a Nation?

Jason Miller

...What would happen if the poor and working class of the United States said "no mas" to the Corporatocracy? What if the wage slaves finally became self aware and leveraged the overwhelming strength of their numbers against their parasitic masters? Over 250 million US Americans acting in unison and embracing Christ as their leader "in absentia" would overwhelm the relative few manning the bulwarks of exploitation, imperial conquest, and obscene militarism. While it is unlikely Jesus would have advocated open revolt, it is a virtual certainty that he would have instructed his followers to minimize or end their participation in a system driven by avarice and abject cruelty. Improbable that such an evolution will transpire? Yes. Impossible? No...

continua / continued


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