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Sunday, December 03, 2006

As America Slept

Anwaar Hussain, Fountainhead

It all happened while America slept. As America slept, airline jets appeared in the azure blue New York Skies some five years back and within minutes bumped through tall wonders of human achievements reducing them and their occupants to a tangled mass of steel, concrete and human flesh. While the world stood horror-struck and frozen from the pain of the victims and the sheer scale of the crime, somewhere in some dark unlit corners of America, a small leering cabal of malicious, hateful and warmongering few backslapped each other. But America slept...

Now as America awakes, it finds itself tottering at the abyss of moral bankruptcy while its leaders continue their feverish globe trotting hat in hand begging all and sundry to be saved from their own follies. In merely five years, the big mouths have become beggars and their once great nation, heaving from under the massive pile of more than half a million corpses, stands discredited, dishonored and humiliated in the court of world opinion.But is America awake now?

Where are the hangman’s ropes if it is?

continua / continued


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