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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Cannon fodder in Christmas’ times

Cannon fodder in Christmas’ times

Santa Claus Bush is preparing to deliver his special Christmas’ gift: "We do need to increase our troops" The Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon unanimously disagreed but hey, do you want to question the Clown in Chief who hid into the Texas National Guard (and even there he was an AWOL) to avoid to fight in the Vietnam war? [That’s probably the only good thing this scam has done in all his life, at least he didn’t kill anybody, THEN!] Even war criminal Powell – the clown of the UN show just before the invasion – "said the U.S. Army is 'about broken’ from the Iraq conflict and cast doubt on whether the military could or should boost the number of troops in the country. 'There really are no additional troops'’ to send, Powell said on CBS's 'Face the Nation’ program...

continua / continued


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