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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Prescott on Poppy: "I don't know what to do with that stupid son of a bitch!"

December 19, 2006 -- As historians and pundits argue over whether George W. Bush is the worst president ever, it should not be forgotten who is the second worst president in U.S. history. That distinction certainly goes to the man who spawned Dubya, George H. W. Bush. WMR spoke to informed sources who have some past knowledge of "Poppy" Bush. Two stories about Poppy are clear indications that in the Bush family, the motto, "like father, like son," has definite meaning.

In the days before there were intelligence oversight committees in Congress, CIA oversight was in the hands of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, which had responsibility for the CIA's immense "black budget." in the mid-1950s, Poppy's father, Connecticut Senator Prescott Bush, and the late Georgia Democratic Senator Richard Russell were on a Senate Appropriations Committee CIA black budget "oversight" visit to Hawaii. Prescott Bush was overheard by a senior CIA officer saying, "I don't know what to do with that stupid son of a bitch!" Russell asked Bush who he was talking about. Bush replied, "My son." Poppy Bush was then an oil wildcatter in Midland, Texas.
Prescott on Poppy: "I don't know what to do with that stupid son of a bitch!"

In 1986, then-Vice President George H. W. Bush paid a visit to Saudi Arabia to insist on oil production cuts and, therefore, increased profits for Bush’s oil industry pals. The reason was simple: Bush wanted to ensure that oil industry political campaign coffers were flush with money for his 1988 presidential run. Poppy Bush’s was an architect of the previous Reagan administration strategy to keep world oil prices artificially low in order to bankrupt the oil-producing Soviet Union.

Wayne Madsen Report


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