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Monday, December 18, 2006

Robert Parry | Ronald Reagan's Bloody "Apocalypto"

"Mel Gibson's 'Apocalypto,' a violent capture-and-escape movie set 500 years ago in a brutal Mayan society, ends ironically when European explorers arrive and interrupt the final bloody chase," says Robert Parry. "An even greater irony, however, may be that the US media has done a better job separating fact from fiction about Gibson's movie than in explaining to Americans how some of their most admired modern politicians, including Ronald Reagan, were implicated in a more recent genocide against Mayan tribes in Central America."


For many Americans who have watched Mel Gibson's Apocalypto, the pain of the fictional ancient Mayas in the movie is more real than the actual suffering of real Mayas who were tortured and slaughtered in the 1980s with the help of then-President Ronald Reagan. When a right-wing military dictator was waging this modern genocide against Mayas, Reagan was busy covering the killers' tracks and giving them more efficient weapons to carry out the task. But that history now is less known to Americans than Gibson's faux history of 500 years ago. December 17, 2006


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