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Friday, December 08, 2006

Shiaa factions were behind the Sadr City explosions on the 23rd November – video footage attached

Iraqi League

Most of the media. residents of Sadr city, and Iraqi Shiaa population have blamed Sunni groups for the series of explosions that left over 200 civilians dead and many injured on the 23rd November. However, the Iraqi League managed recently to obtain a mobile-phone video footage shot by members of Mehdi army while they were interrogating a young man called (Firas Abdul-Zahra Al-Rikabi). He admitted to have planted bombs in the midst of labourers in an area called (55 square) in Sadr city, which is frequented by building work labourers and shoppers. In the video, Al-Rikabi confirmed that he was Shiaa, also confirmed that a man called Hakam, also Shiaa, had paid him $200 to plant the bombs, which he detonated using a "blue" remote control device...

continua / continued


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