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Thursday, December 14, 2006

WSJ/NBC poll: "War-Weary Public Wants Congress to Lead"

Poll Shows Desire for Lawmakers to Set Policy Amid Growing Dismay Over Iraq, President Bush

By JOHN HARWOOD, The Wall Street Journal
December 14, 2006; Page A4

WASHINGTON -- Falling public support for the war in Iraq has weakened President Bush's political hand across the board, bolstering the clout of the new Democratic Congress as it prepares to take power.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows Americans have grown more pessimistic after the Iraq Study Group report that the situation there has become "dire." That contributed to Mr. Bush's lowest-ever approval rating in the Journal/NBC poll -- 34% -- and turned Americans toward his Democratic adversaries. By 59% to 21%, Americans say Congress rather than Mr. Bush should take the lead in setting policy for the nation. Nearly a year ago, when Republicans controlled Congress, Americans wanted Capitol Hill to take the lead, 49% to 25% over Mr. Bush.

Mr. Bush's lost standing has ramifications across the political landscape. Seven in 10 say they want the new Congress to pressure the White House to begin bringing troops home within six months.

At the same time, items on the Democrats' opening agenda for Congress enjoy strong initial backing. More than seven in 10 Americans support raising the minimum wage -- on which Mr. Bush has indicated flexibility -- and forcing the federal government to negotiate lower Medicare drug prices with pharmaceuticals companies -- which Mr. Bush opposes.

The president faces a steeper challenge resisting Democratic initiatives on other economic issues. On energy, 80% favor forcing auto makers to build more fuel-efficient vehicles even if that raises prices; 59% back eliminating tax cuts for oil companies.

On trade, 61% say the U.S. government isn't being tough in economic negotiations with China...

Full story (subscription required):

And it's not just the war... Americans want our Democrats in Congress to lead the way on a whole list of issues. This is the turning point we've all been waiting for. And it's absolutely crucial that our party leaders realize they do indeed have a mandate to get things done.

They don't have to brag and strut like the repukes did. They can even say all the nice things that need to be said about bipartisanship blah blah blah. But they must use this moment to stand up, take charge and put all of our progressive issues on the president's desk in the form common-sense, good-for-all-Americans bills requiring his signature.

There's no guarantee we'll win every battle with this boneheaded shit-heel of a chief executive. But we've got to show the people that Democrats are working to get the people's business done. Stay strong. Stand up for what's right. Don't let the blathering beltway pundit-caste get you down. Ignore them, laugh at them, stomp them like infectious bugs when the opportunity arises.
But let's get to work, Dems. This is our moment!



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