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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Decline of the American Presidency

Amen to that. Thugs don't deserve any respect.

It is a sorry state of affairs, but a sure sign of the times, when posthumous praise is heaped upon a bland, uninspiring, inexperienced leader -- a man who only accidentally became president and who only marginally will appear in the history books.

We are constantly hearing that Gerald Ford was a good man, a

gentleman, serious and kind and forgiving. Too forgiving, indeed, as he pardoned his friend and former boss for the egregious deeds he committed while allegedly serving his nation. In letting Richard Nixon off the hook, Gerald Ford deprived all Americans -- politicians and the general populace alike -- of a necessary object lesson, and prevented true closure on an appalling chapter in our history.
But I digress. What is striking now is how this simple man has suddenly become an icon of honest government. His brief term in office, far from being Camelot, was a kind of Boy Scout camp in the Adirondacks: good fresh air, camaraderie, and no parental oversight. Until the next election, America coasted along.

Our presidents since Ford have been less fortunate, and much more controversial. They have also had a more difficult world to deal with, and did not always deal with it wisely. Each had his special nemesis: Carter had his hostages in Iran, Reagan had his Evil Empire, Bush Sr. had his Gulf War, and Clinton had.....well, you know. George W. is his own nemesis. He has surpassed them all -- in ignorance, arrogance, and dishonesty. >>>cont



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