Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator    

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Lynch Mob

Felicity Arbuthnot, Globalresearch.ca

...When the US invaded Iraq, one of their first acts in their "Mission Accomplished" rampage, was to abolish the death penalty, in the "New Iraq". There was (rightly of course) no place for such barbarism; it was unworthy of a "free, democratic", society. In 2004, clearly realising that the living could still communicate, the U.S. quietly brought back the death penalty, thus Donald Rumsfeld, Britain's David Mellor and others, who had negotiated arms deals with Iraq, could not be called to the witness stand, by those beyond the grave. America of course is fourth on the league table of countries which execute (even the mentally retarded) with George W. Bush's Texas accounting for one third of U.S. State homicides. Saddam Hussein under U.S Administration (oh yes, it is) died ostensibly for 148 deaths. In today's Iraq, that would be a peaceful day...

continua / continued


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