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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rich: Aside from Laura and Barney, who's in the bunker with Bush?

RAW STORYPublished: Saturday January 13, 2007

Aside from the first lady and Barney, who's in the bunker with President Bush, New York Times columnist Frank Rich asks in his latest Sunday column.

"Bush's own support from the American people is not coming back," Rich writes. "His 'new' Iraq policy is also in defiance of Iraqi public opinion, the Joint Chiefs, the Baker-Hamilton grandees, and al-Maliki, who six weeks ago asked for a lower American profile in Iraq."

"Which leaves you wondering exactly who is still in the bunker with the president besides the first lady and Barney," Rich continues.

Excerpts from article:
It's a very short list led by John McCain, Joe Lieberman, and neo-conservative dead-enders like William Kristol and Frederick Kagan, who congregate at The Weekly Standard and the American Enterprise Institute, the Washington think tank. The one notable new recruit is Rudy Giuliani, who likened taming Baghdad to "reducing crime in New York," without noticing that even after the escalation there will be fewer American troops patrolling Baghdad than uniformed police officers in insurgency-free New York City. Continued



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