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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Saddam's aides were tortured by executioners, defence team claims

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

The defence team of executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on Wednesday charged that two former Saddam aides were 'killed and tortured' and not executed as claimed by the Iraqi authorities. In a statement sent to the media the Amman-based defence panel appealed to the UN Secretary General as well as international legal and human rights organizations to stage a 'serious and immediate investigation' to divulge the truth and to punish 'the culprits responsible for those savage and ugly crimes.'They also urged them to pressure the US administration 'not to hand over more Iraqi prisoners of war to the Iraqi government, which is controlled by criminal militias,' a reference to Iran-backed Shiite militias such as the Mehdi Army and the Badr Forces...

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