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Friday, January 05, 2007

Seeding starvation in Iraq

Jerry Mazza, Online Journal Associate Editor

In 2004, when L. Paul Bremer III left his position as Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) administrator to "transfer sovereignty," he also left behind 100 deadly orders to govern Iraq. Order 81, which included "Patent, Industrial Design, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety," prohibited Iraqis from reusing seeds of "new" plant varieties patented under the law. Think about that for a second . . . What that order means is that seeds from those "new" varieties cannot be saved for reuse, at least not without paying a royalty to its "manufacturer," whether it’s Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, or any of the other genetically-modifying seed giants. This could easily bankrupt farmers and contribute vastly to massive food shortages and starvation...

continua / continued


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