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Friday, January 19, 2007

Senator Leahy vs. Torturer General Alberto Gonzales

For Immediate Release
Veterans For Peace: http://www.veteransforpeace.org/
Kickoff Operation “Support & Defend”

'Senator Leahy blasted Alberto Gonzalez at todays briefing over the treatment of Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen who was detained and sent to Syria, where he was regularly tortured for almost a year before being released uncharged. Leahy: "We knew damn well if he went to Canada he wouldn't be tortured. He'd be held and he'd be investigated. We also knew damn well if he went to Syria, he'd be tortured. And it's beneath the dignity of this country, a country that has always been a beacon of human rights, to send somebody to another country to be tortured."'...


Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus

Submitted by davidswanson on Fri, 2007-01-19 20:02. Activism
By Robert Parry, Consortium News

In one of the most chilling public statements ever made by a U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales questioned whether the U.S. Constitution grants habeas corpus rights of a fair trial to every American.

Responding to questions from Sen. Arlen Specter at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Jan. 18, Gonzales argued that the Constitution doesn't explicitly bestow habeas corpus rights; it merely says when the so-called Great Writ can be suspended.



Blogger David J said...

"In one of the most chilling public statements ever made by a U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales questioned whether the U.S. Constitution grants habeas corpus rights of a fair trial to every American."

It doesn't. Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus during the Civil War.

Nor does Habeas Corpus provide for a 'fair' trial, it merely provides for a trial of some sort

Why people would rely on the US Government officials to protect their rights is beyond me. They have never been good, benevolent people, and should never be trusted, even if they do pretend they think we have rights.

20/1/07 12:00 AM  
Blogger david said...

aothat is true that habeas corpus does not guarantee that the trial will be fair. but at least the judge looking over the case would be a federal judge not a military judge at a tribunal. otherwise the prosecution and the judge are one and the same.

time to fight for habeas corpus. get involved at:


20/1/07 9:10 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

I'd say US Government officials and the Supreme Court to protect the rights of the people. They have done a lousy job of it for the last 6 years that is for sure.

Hey david j Welcome from Down Under

21/1/07 9:15 AM  

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