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Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Malcom Lagauche

January 17th marks the 16th anniversary of the first U.S. attack on Iraq, dubbed Desert Storm by the U.S. administration. The destruction and devastation were portrayed in the U.S. similar to that of a Hollywood movie. The reality was far different. Because so much has happened to Iraq since 1991 (the embargo, the March 2003 invasion, the current chaos, etc.), many people may not recall the particulars behind the January 17, 1991 attack and the ensuing horror. When the first bomb fell on Iraq at 2:00am on January 17, 1991, the United States began the military implementation of years of deceit and dirty tricks to attain a permanent foothold in the Middle East. George Bush I enlisted, coerced and paid 27 other nations to help massacre Iraq, depriving these newly-won allies of any ethical high ground...

continua / continued


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