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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Warren Commission and "conspiracy theorists" plague Bush Sr. at Ford funeral service.

January 2, 2007 -- Another gem from the Bush Crime Family's "X Files."

Former President George H. W. Bush seems to be worried that the conclusions of the Warren Report may unravel soon. WMR has written in detail about the Bush connection to the assassins of President John F. Kennedy. Apparently, Poppy Bush decided it was important to use the Gerald R. Ford state funeral to "clear the air" (or Bush's own conscience) about the JFK assassination. This is what the elder Bush had to say at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC during his eulogy of President Ford:

"After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good."

Warren Commission and "conspiracy theorists" plague Bush Sr. at Ford funeral service.

Unlike Bush's "deluded gunman" Lee Harvey Oswald (a New Orleans Civil Air Patrol colleague of George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard pal James R. Bath), who remembered he was in the Texas School Book Depository lunch room on November 22, 1963 at "zero hour," the elder Bush cannot really remember where he was on November 22, 1963. He later claimed he was in Tyler, Texas although there is evidence that he was checked into the Dallas Sheraton Hotel that day. Mr. Bush, the conspiracy theorists will continue to say what they will until you start telling the truth about Zapata, deMohrenshildt, Mongoose, New Orleans, and JM/WAVE.

Wayne Madsen Report

You Decide

LBJDIDIT said...

The Warren Report has already been disproven. The hole in everybody's arguements against the single bullet theory is IF John Connally was NOT wounded in the back at around Zframe=220, then when was he shot?

The answer is in my article, "Explaining the Shooting of Governor John Connally"
Shown on FreeRepublic for the first time. October 25, 2006 Bill Charleston


The basic revelations in that article is that Connally was wounded twice, the first time was a bullet fragment to his left leg which explains his reaction as seen starting at Zframe 223 to the shot which hit him in the back at Zframe=325, 0.7 seconds AFTER the fatal head shot to JFK.

The READER's DIGEST version has Kennedy hit in the head by the shot at Z=313, knocking him back and to his left. The shooter in the TSBD aiming at JFK misses him and hits Connally in the back, driving him forward just as he said in many of the interviews he gave on this subject (the force of the bullet drove me forward.....).

It also explains Nellie Connally's comments where she said she saw John Connally turn after JFK was first shot and that she thought it was about two seconds later that John was hit. Actually, it was 4.8 seconds between the time that the shot that caused JFK's reaction seen as the limo emerges from behind the sign to the shot that hit him in the head. With another 0.7 seconds added, it was 5.5 seconds between the shot first hitting Kennedy (this is not entirely true, but for arguementative purposes here, let's say it is :-) ).

This is also ENTIRELY consistent with Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman's Warren Commission testimony where he describes 3-5 seconds between the first shot he heard and the flurry of shots. Now what's a flurry? He said Two shots, BANG-BANG. Two shots separated by 0.7 seconds would be described as BANG-BANG. Kellerman also would not back off that description, he called it like a jet breaking a sound barrier, the front breaks the sound barrier first followed by the rear of the plane, BANG-BANG!!!

Now to add insult to injury to all the Television Documentaries, all the "research" books, all the piles of useless analysis that have been written about the assassination (I say that BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL WRONG, every one of them!), we have the Dallas Police Recording on the Dictabelt. Of course, you should guess by now the last two of the five identified shots is separated by 0.7 seconds.

The Dallas Police Recording was confirmation to me that there were two shots fired 0.7 seconds apart as it is OBVIOUS that by looking at the Zapruder Film, you see Connally not just fall over starting at Zframe 319, he is driven forward at Zframe 325, the time the bullet hit him in the back.

A little bit about the movement of Connally and the two Secret Service Men starting about 1/3 second after the fatal head shot to JFK: This shot was obviously from the front and was CLOSE- REAL CLOSE. You can see all three men in the car starting to duck forward at Zframe 319 (the delay caused by the time for them to hear the noise from the shot that hit JFK in the head, to actually start ducking). But something is different about Connally, at Z-325, his head snaps DOWNWARD and he is slammed forward, and in less than a second he is in Nellie's lap.

I sometimes hear question from people asking wasn't it the car's acceleration that caused the men to move like that? Well, the answer is no, as the car is now starting to accelerate forward, not breaking. You'll also notice that Jackie does NOT move forward at all and she is sitting up.

Another observation is that John Connally turns to look over his right shoulder starting at around Zframe 230 and he is in the process of turning to look over his left shoulder when he is hit in the back and driven forward. IT's obvious that NO man could have turned like he did, for over 5 seconds with a wound to his back and chest that he suffered.

Listen to Connally describe how the bullet knocked him forward:


The analysis of the Dallas Police Recording by Dr. Donald Thomas published in 2001 in a British Forensic Publication:


If you look a couple of pages over, you'll see the timing of the shots.

Now recoginize that the Accoustic analysis is very controversial because IF it's right, then it alone proves multiple shooters. Think of it this way, there are experts on both sides of the equation, one set things they are valid, the other side thinks they aren't. BUT, with Kellerman saying BANG-BANG, with the Accoustic analysis saying 0.7 seconds between the last two shots AND the movement of CONNALLY as seen in the Zapruder film ALL saying exactly the same thing, then you'd have to be a real FOOL not to believe that Connally was shot in the back at Z=325.

Now, with that hypothesis, that Connally was shot in the back at Z-325, then you have to explain the other shots and wounds to the three men wounded that day. I'll give you a hint, Thomas' analysis identified FIVE shots, the first three were fired BEFORE the limo emerges from behind the Stemmon's Freeway sign, the last two, the BANG-BANG, were fired approximately five seconds later.

Look at the FREEREPUBLIC article,


and ask me any questions there..... By the way, it's OBVIOUS when you understand Connally's wounds WHO ordered the murder, it was Lyndon Johnson, the most obvious suspect, isn't he?

Of course, with J. Edgar Hoover submitting doctored "evidence" to the Warren Commission, and no other than Gerald Ford himself feeding back "problems" to Hoover, is it a wonder at all that any of the truth was released?

Now, on to the more relevant questions of today and what the hell is Iraq all about? Look at:


You see the parallels between the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission are striking: The TRUTH simply can't be known, it's too terrible. A president, not wanting to go to war, simply declares that a terrorist attack in Oklahoma City in 1995 wasn't anything but two Lilly White Americans acting alone. Well, they weren't alone, they were being assisted by eight Iraqi false defectors from Saddam's military/intelligent services, they had $$million from siblings in BAGDAD......

This is ALL documented CLEARLY in Jayna Davis' book, THE THIRD TERRORIST. John Laymen, one of the 9/11 Commissioners, held up her book during the hearings but he couldn't figure it out. That's why he was on the commission, to make sure he didn't figure it out :-)

So, We have Jamie Gorelick on the 9/11 Commission in the same role that Gerald Ford played in the Warren Commission.

We have Sandy Berger attempting to destroy TOP SECRET SPECIAL CATAGORY DOCUMENTS by stuffing them in his underwear while preparing for the 9/11 hearings.


"Mr. Berger was in a position to remove documents from Mr. Clarke's files, and thanks to lax security, breaches of protocol and undue deference on the part of Archives staff, we may never know whether Mr. Berger took documents other than the five he's admitted to removing."

We have ABLE DANGER identifying Mohamed ATTA a year before 9/11 but the Commission doesn't feel that is significant enough to list in the REPORT!!!!! We have an officer who went to the press thrown out of the reserve because he didn't shut up.

History is NOT as you though it was. The EXECUTIVE BRANCH is in over their collective heads, imagine Lyndon Johnson killing JFK, Nixon, Ford and Daddy Bush directly involved in the coverup.

Imagine the headlines if HISTORY shows that Bill Clinton instead of attacking Iraq in 1995 (or 1993, or even 1996) decided for POLITICAL reasons NOT to attack, but instead to doctor the "investigations" to show something other than Middle Eastern Terrorism.

That's something that NO PRESIDENT can allow to become public.

Now, I hope you UNDERSTAND WHY we are in Iraq. I hope you understand WHY you haven't been told WHY we are in Iraq.

It this all isn't transparent and simplistic, then respond to me at the two articles that I posted links to. There's more, a lot more to exlain but outlining the JFK assassination and the reasons why we invaded Iraq is a bit much for one post, don't you think?

Read this link too, it's very important to believe that there are HUNDREDS of people asking what the hell is going on?



See it's simple, all this conspiracy theory silliness is just massive coverups of IDIOTIC PRESIDENTAL SCREWUPS from a Vice-President killing the President (and NOT going to Jail for other Crimes, LBJ /to Clinton not going to war because, he didn't want to).

Bill Charleston
14/1/07 12:33 AM


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